September 5, 2014 - April 10, 2015
Community Bank
Santa Fe, New Mexico
"Full Circle" is on display at Community Bank, 549 South Guadalupe in Santa Fe. This exhibit explores both two- and three-dimensional ideas then returns to Ingram's basic source of inspiration with detailed archival pen and ink drawings.

Permanent Collection
Studio Artist Gallery
Santa Fe, New Mexico
As a studio artist at Santa Fe Clay I have the company of all sorts of creative people who take advantage of the opportunities and events Santa Fe Clay offers our community: classes taught by knowledgable and talented instructors, workshops given by nationally recognized artists, outstanding exhibits and a wonderful collegiate atmosphere of people learning together.
Examples of my work are on display both in my studio space as well as in the artists' exhibit area.
To set up an appointment to visit my Santa Fe Clay Studio please e-mail me at barbara@ingramfineart.com or call 505-983-4330.

December 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015
Jean Cocteau Cinema
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Because the Jean Cocteau Theater, brought back to the people of Santa Fe by George R.R. Martin, is a home of story telling, this exhibition focuses on story telling. Each piece has a distinct narrative. Some works are directly related to a particular story as “Walking With Alice” refers to Alice in Wonderland or a narrative of itself as “Naruko 1948” relates to the creation of the kokeshi doll in Occupation Japan.
The intentional narratives in these works are suggested by similar colors, textures, dimensions and design organization. The clay figures resembling Japanese kokeshi dolls are a story telling device objectifying people foreign to our typical understanding. They embody the feeling of “otherness” that we often assign to people we consider different or even less than ourselves.
All of the work in this exhibit is new, completed during this past year and has not been exhibited until now. It is transitional work which has grown during the creation of this exhibit.